설레스트 홈 (Celeste Holm)
Celeste Holm was an only child, born into a home where her mother was a painter and her father worked in insurance. She would study acting at the University of Chicago and make her stage debut in 1936. Her Broadway debut came when she was 19 in ‘The Time of Your Life‘. She appeared in many successfu...
출생 4/29/1917 브룩클린, 뉴욕, 미국
사망 7/15/2012 맨하탄, 뉴욕, 미국 (심장 마비)
아카데미 영화제
수상: 1 / 후보: 3
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이브의 모든것 (All About Eve), 1950 - 카렌 리처드
컴 투 더 스테이블 (Come to the Stable), 1949 - 스콜라스티카 수녀
그레고리 팩의 인생찾기 (Gentleman‘s Agreement), 1947 - 앤 디트리