앙드레 드 토트 (Andre De Toth)
각본가, 감독
Although he obtained a law degree from the Royal Hungarian University, Andre De Toth decided to become an actor, and spent several years on the stage. He then entered the Hungarian film industry, obtaining work as a writer, editor, second unit director and actor before finally becoming a director. H...
본명 Sasvari Farkasfalvi Tothfalusi Toth Endre Antal Mihaly
출생 5/15/1913 마코, 헝가리
사망 10/27/2002 버뱅크, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (동맥류)
아카데미 영화제
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아무도 탈출하지 말라 (None Shall Escape), 1944

권총왕 (The Gunfighter), 1950