마이클 렐프 (Michael Relph)
프로덕션 디자이너
British producer/director Michael Relph, the son of stage actor George Relph, graduated from Bembridge School and became apprenticed to Alfred Junge at Gaumont Pictures in 1932. He was also a stage designer and art director, often working for Michael Balcon. In 1942 he became the chief art director ...
출생 2/16/1915 브로드스톤, 도싯, 잉글랜드, 영국
사망 9/30/2004 셀슬리, 서식스, 잉글랜드, 영국
아카데미 영화제
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프로덕션 디자인
사라밴드 (Saraband), 1948