오스카 호몰카 (Oskar Homolka)
Because of his heavy generically "European" accent and Slavic-sounding surname (not an uncommon one among Czechs or Slovaks), many people assumed Oscar Homolka was Eastern European or Russian. In fact, he was born in Vienna (then Austria-Hungary), the multicultural capital of a large multi-ethnic em...
출생 8/12/1898 비엔나, 오스트리아
사망 1/28/1978 턴브릿지 웰스, 켄트, 잉글랜드, 영국 (폐렴)
아카데미 영화제
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나는 엄마를 기억해 (I Remember Mama), 1948 - 커티스 삼촌