에른스트 루비치 (Ernst Lubitsch)
From Ernst Lubitsch‘s experiences in Sophien Gymnasium (high school) theater, he decided to leave school at the age of 16 and pursue a career on the stage. He had to compromise with his father and keep the account books for the family tailor business while he acted in cabarets and music halls at nig...
출생 1/29/1892 베를린, 독일
사망 11/30/1947 헐리우드, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (심장 마비)
아카데미 영화제
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에르민의 그 여자 (That Lady in Ermine), 1948
천국은 기다릴 수 있어 (Heaven Can Wait), 1943
사느냐 죽느냐 (To Be or Not to Be), 1942
불확실한 느낌 (That Uncertain Feeling), 1941
니노치카 (Ninotchka), 1939
즐거운 미망인 (The Merry Widow), 1934
당신과 함께한 한시간 (One Hour with You), 1932
웃는 형사 (The Smiling Lieutenant), 1931
방랑자의 왕 (The Vagabond King), 1930
러브 퍼레이드 (The Love Parade), 1929
애국자 (The Patriot), 1928