도로시 맥과이어 (Dorothy McGuire)
A genuine model of sincerity, practicality and dignity in most of the roles she inhabited, actress Dorothy McGuire offered Tinseltown more talent than it probably knew what to do with. A quiet, passive beauty, she had a soothing quality to her open-faced looks and voice. She was a natural when he ca...
본명 Dorothy Hackett McGuire
출생 6/14/1916 오마하, 네브라스카, 미국
사망 9/13/2001 산타모니카, 캘리포니아, 미국 (돌연사)
아카데미 영화제
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그레고리 팩의 인생찾기 (Gentleman‘s Agreement), 1947 - 캐시 레이시
나선 계단 (The Spiral Staircase), 1946 - 헬렌
브룩클린의 나무 성장 (A Tree Grows in Brooklyn), 1945 - 케이티 놀란