알렉산더 코르다 (Alexander Korda)
One of a large group of Hungarian refugees who found refuge in England in the 1930s, Sir Alexander Korda was the first British film producer to receive a knighthood. He was a major, if controversial, figure and acted as a guiding force behind the British film industry of the 1930s and continued to i...
본명 Sandor Laszlo Kellner
출생 9/16/1893 투케브, 헝가리
사망 1/23/1956 런던, 잉글랜드, 영국 (심장 마비)

결혼 방학 (Vacation from Marriage), 1945
해밀턴 부인 (That Hamilton Woman), 1941
바그다드의 도둑 (The Thief of Bagdad), 1940
헨리 8세 (The Private Life of Henry VIII.), 1933