샐리 벤슨 (Sally Benson)
Sally Benson was born in St. Louis on September 3 1897. Her family moved to New York, where she spent her formative years and was educated at the Horace Mann School. At the age of seventeen, she took her first job working at the National City Bank, ‘singing into a dictaphone‘, as she later put it. S...
본명 Sara Mahala Redway Smith
출생 9/3/1897 세인트 루이스, 미주리, 미국
사망 7/19/1972 우드랜드, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국
아카데미 영화제
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왕과 나 (Anna and the King of Siam), 1946