테이 가네트 (Tay Garnett)
Following his service as a naval aviator in WW I, Tay Garnett entered films in 1920 as a screenwriter. After a stint as a gag writer for Mack Sennett and Hal Roach he joined Pathe, then the distributor for both competing comedy producers, and in 1928 began directing for that company. Garnett garnere...
본명 William Taylor Garnett
출생 6/13/1894 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국
사망 10/3/1977 쏘텔, 캘리포니아, 미국 (백혈병)

밸리 오브 디씨전 (The Valley of Decision), 1945
미세스 패킹톤 (Mrs. Parkington), 1944
미스 비숍을 위한 건배 (Cheers for Miss Bishop), 1941
영원히 너의 것 (Eternally Yours), 1939
편도 승객 (One Way Passage), 1932