장 르누아르 (Jean Renoir)
Son of the famous Impressionist painter Pierre Auguste, he had a happy childhood. Pierre Renoir was his brother, and Claude Renoir was his nephew. After the end of World War I, where he won the Croix de Guerre, he moved from scriptwriting to filmmaking. He married Catherine Hessling, for whom he beg...
출생 9/15/1894 파리, 프랑스
사망 2/12/1979 비벌리힐즈, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (심장 마비)
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남부인 (The Southerner), 1945
놀라운 홀리데이 부인 (The Amazing Mrs. Holliday), 1943
이 땅은 나의 땅 (This Land Is Mine), 1943
환상 (Grand Illusion), 1937