에드워드 루드비히 (Edward Ludwig)
Russian-born Edward Ludwig came to the U.S. as a child and was educated in Canada and New York City. He entered the film business as an actor in silents, then became a scenarist and screenwriter, and in the early 1930s turned to directing. Although most of his films were routine second features, he ...
본명 Isidor Irving Litwack
출생 10/7/1899 오데스카, 우크라이나
사망 8/20/1982 산타모니카, 캘리포니아, 미국

3은 가족이다 (Three Is a Family), 1944
바다벌의 전투 (The Fighting Seabees), 1944
로빈슨 가족 (Swiss Family Robinson), 1940
나이 (That Certain Age), 1938