제임스 던 (James Dunn)
James Dunn worked on the stage, in vaudeville and as an extra in silent movies before he was signed by Fox in 1931. His first movie with Fox was 1931‘s Sob Sister (1931). While at Fox, he appeared with Shirley Temple in her first three features: Baby, Take a Bow (1934), Stand Up and Cheer! (1934) an...
본명 James Howard Dunn
출생 11/2/1901 뉴욕, 미국
사망 9/1/1967 산타모니카, 캘리포니아, 미국 (수술 병후)
아카데미 영화제
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브룩클린의 나무 성장 (A Tree Grows in Brooklyn), 1945 - 조니 놀란