아키 마요 (Archie Mayo)
A stage actor, Archie Mayo went to Hollywood in 1915 and worked until his retirement in 1946. He began directing slapstick two-reelers, later making features at Warner Bros. just about the time sound was being introduced into films. He did much work for Warners, but he also made films at Goldwyn and...
본명 Archibald L. Mayo
출생 1/29/1891 뉴욕, 미국
사망 12/4/1968 과달라하라, 할리스코, 멕시코 (암)

달콤하고 낮은 (Sweet and Low-Down), 1944
크래쉬 다이브 (Crash Dive), 1943
문타이드 (Moontide), 1942
오케스트라 아내 (Orchestra Wives), 1942
그들에게는 음악이 있어요 (They Shall Have Music), 1939
검은 군단 (Black Legion), 1937
너의 춤을 춰라 (Go Into Your Dance), 1935
스벵갈리 (Svengali), 1931
지옥으로 가는 출입구 (The Doorway to Hell), 1930