알프레드 샌텔 (Alfred Santell)
American director, billed early in his career as‘ Al‘ Santell. A former architect (graduate of Los Angeles University) he began in the movie industry in 1914 as a general factotum at the Lubinville Studio in Philadelphia before working his way up the ladder to director/scenarist in which capacity he...
본명 Alfred Allen Santell
출생 9/14/1895 샌프란시스코, 캘리포니아, 미국
사망 6/19/1981 셀리나스, 캘리포니아, 미국

털이 많은 유인원 (The Hairy Ape), 1944
잭 런던 (Jack London), 1943
남해의 아로마 (Aloma of the South Seas), 1941
겨울 (Winterset), 1936
특허 가죽 아이 (The Patent Leather Kid), 1927