존 H. 아우어 (John H. Auer)
Born in Hungary and educated in Vienna, John H. Auer was an actor in European films from the age of 12. After his career as a child actor ended, he entered the business world, but soon decided to rejoin the film industry. He journeyed to Hollywood in 1928 to find work as a director, but came up empt...
출생 8/3/1906 부다페스트, 헝가리
사망 3/15/1975 할리우드, 캘리포니아, 미국

맨해튼의 음악 (Music in Manhattan), 1944
조니 도우보이 (Johnny Doughboy), 1942
악마의 지불 (The Devil Pays Off), 1941
전쟁중인 여자 (Women in War), 1940
1941년 히트 퍼레이드 (Hit Parade of 1941), 1940