졸탄 코르다 (Zoltan Korda)
A one time Hungarian cavalry officer, Zoltan Korda started working in films as a cameraman then an editor before becoming a director with London Films run by his brother Alexander Korda. Zoltan had strong liberal/socialist ideals and often clashed with Alexander, who, despite their both being born i...
본명 Zoltan Kellner
출생 6/3/1895 투케브, 헝가리
사망 10/13/1961 헐리우드, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (질병)

사하라 (Sahara), 1943
정글 북 (The Jungle Book), 1942
바그다드의 도둑 (The Thief of Bagdad), 1940
포 페더스 (The Four Feathers), 1939