노먼 크라스나 (Norman Krasna)
각본가, 감독
Humorist, playwright and screenwriter Norman Krasna went to great lengths planning for a career in law. He attended New York University, Columbia University and St. John‘s University law school but then abruptly changed his plans and started work as a copy boy at a New York newspaper. He had a brief...
출생 11/7/1909 퀸스, 뉴욕시, 뉴욕, 미국
사망 11/1/1984 로스엔젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (심장 마비)
아카데미 영화제
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오로우케 공주 (Princess O‘Rourke), 1943

오로우케 공주 (Princess O‘Rourke), 1943
악마와 미스 존스 (The Devil and Miss Jones), 1941
퓨리 (Fury), 1936
세계 제일의 부자 소녀 (The Richest Girl in the World), 1934