윌리엄 케일리 (William Keighley)
William Keighley‘s professional career spanned three distinct mediums: the theatre, motion pictures and, finally, radio. Initially trained as a stage actor and Broadway director, he arrived in Hollywood shortly after the advent of sound, landing a job with Warner Brothers (where he spent most of his...
본명 William Jackson Keighley
출생 8/4/1889 필라델피아, 펜실베이니아, 미국
사망 6/24/1984 뉴욕, 미국 (폐 색전증)

조지 워싱턴이 여기서 자고 있어요 (George Washington Slept Here), 1942
로빈 훗의 모험 (The Adventures of Robin Hood), 1938
대표팀 쇼 (Varsity Show), 1937
G 맨 (‘G‘ Men), 1935