프랭크 모건 (Frank Morgan)
Jovial, somewhat flamboyant Frank Morgan (born Francis Wuppermann) will forever be remembered as the title character in The Wizard of Oz (1939), but he was a veteran and respected actor long before he played that part, and turned in outstanding performances both before and after that film. One of 11...
본명 Francis Philip Wuppermann
출생 6/1/1890 뉴욕, 미국
사망 9/18/1949 비벌리힐즈, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (심장 마비)
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또띠야 마을 이야기 (Tortilla Flat), 1942 - 해적
오즈의 마법사 (The Wizard of Oz), 1939 - 마벨 교수/오즈의 마법사/캐리지 운전사/가이드
셀리니의 사건 (The Affairs of Cellini), 1934 - 알레한드로