시드니 그린스트리트 (Sydney Greenstreet)
Sydney Greenstreet‘s father was a leather merchant with eight children. Sydney left home at age 18 to make his fortune as a Ceylon tea planter, but drought forced him out of business and back to England. He managed a brewery and, to escape boredom, took acting lessons. His stage debut was as a murde...
본명 Sydney Hughes Greenstreet
출생 12/27/1879 샌드위치, 켄트, 잉글랜드, 영국
사망 1/18/1954 헐리우드, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (당뇨병 및 신염)
아카데미 영화제
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말타의 매 (The Maltese Falcon), 1941 - 캐스퍼 거트만