그레고리 라 카바 (Gregory La Cava)
A former cartoonist, Gregory La Cava entered films during WWI as an animator for Walter Lantz on such animated films as "The Katzenjammer Kids" series. Hired by the Hearst Corp. as the editor-in-chief for its International Comic Films division, La Cava switched to live-action films in the 1920s and ...
본명 George Gregory La Cava
출생 3/10/1892 토완다, 펜실베이니아, 미국
사망 3/1/1952 말리부, 캘리포니아, 미국 (심장 마비)
아카데미 영화제
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환락의 길 (Primrose Path), 1940
스테이지 도어 (Stage Door), 1937
내 사랑 고드프리 (My Man Godfrey), 1936
단절된 세계 (Private Worlds), 1935
셀리니의 사건 (The Affairs of Cellini), 1934