잭 오키 (Jack Oakie)
"America‘s Joyboy," beefy, plump-faced comedian Jack Oakie, was one of the funniest top and second banana jokesters of stage, radio and especially film‘s "Golden Age." He would accomplish so much despite the fact that he was "functionally deaf" throughout his career and performed primarily with the ...
본명 Lewis Delaney Offield
출생 11/12/1903 세달리아, 미주리, 미국
사망 1/23/1978 로스엔젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (대동맥류)
아카데미 영화제
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위대한 독재자 (The Great Dictator), 1940 - 바락시아 독재자 나폴레오니
해학의 왕 (King of Burlesque), 1936 - 조 쿠니