로버트 도냇 (Robert Donat)
Robert Donat‘s pleasant voice and somewhat neutral English accent were carefully honed as a boy because he had a stammer and took elocution lessons starting at age 11 to overcome the impediment. It was not too surprising that freedom from such a vocal embarrassment was encouragement to act. His othe...
본명 Friederich Robert Donat
출생 3/18/1905 위딩턴, 맨체스터, 잉글랜드, 영국
사망 6/9/1958 런던, 잉글랜드, 영국 (뇌종양으로 인한 뇌혈전)
아카데미 영화제
수상: 1 / 후보: 2
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굿바이 미스터 칩 (Goodbye, Mr. Chips), 1939 - 미스터 칩스
시타델 (The Citadel), 1938 - 앤드류 맨슨