에롤 플린 (Errol Flynn)
Errol Flynn was born to parents Theodore Flynn, a respected biologist, and Marrelle Young, an adventurous young woman. Young Flynn was a rambunctious child who could be counted on to find trouble. Errol managed to have himself thrown out of every school he was enrolled in. In his late teens he set o...
본명 Errol Leslie Thomson Flynn
출생 6/20/1909 호바트, 태즈마니아, 오스트레일리아
사망 10/14/1959 밴쿠버, 브리티시콜롬비아, 캐나다 (심장 마비)

로빈 훗의 모험 (The Adventures of Robin Hood), 1938 - 로빈 후드
캡틴 블러드 (Captain Blood), 1935 - 피터 블러드