스튜어트 어윈 (Stuart Erwin)
Stuart Erwin was an American actor, often working as a voice actor in radio and animation. He was once nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.Erwin was born in Squaw Valley, Fresno County, California, in 1903. Squaw Valley is a census-designated place, the location of a post offic...
본명 Stuart Phillip Erwin
출생 2/14/1903 스쿼밸리, 캘리포니아, 미국
사망 12/21/1967 비벌리힐즈, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (심장 마비)
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돼지피부 퍼레이드 (Pigskin Parade), 1936 - 아모스 도드