엘리자베스 베르그너 (Elisabeth Bergner)
Elisabeth Bergner was the daughter of the merchant Emil Ettel and his wife Anna Rosa Wagner. She grew up in Vienna, and she made her theatre debut in Innsbruck in 1915. In 1916 she obtained a contract in Zurich, where she played Ophelia next to the famous Alexander Moissi, who fell in love with her....
본명 Elisabeth Ettel
출생 8/22/1897 드로고비치, 리비우, 우크라이나
사망 5/12/1986 런던, 잉글랜드, 영국
아카데미 영화제
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내게서 탈줄하지 못해 (Escape Me Never), 1935 - 감마 존스