찰스 바튼 (Charles Barton)
Charles T. Barton was born in Oakland, CA, on May 25, 1902. His father managed a candy store, and soon moved the family to Los Angeles, where Charles, nicknamed "Charlie", got a job at age 15 acting as an extra in silent movies. He eventually left acting for a job behind the camera as an assistant d...
본명 Charles Thomas Barton Jr.
출생 5/25/1902 샌프란시스코, 캘리포니아, 미국
사망 12/5/1981 버뱅크, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국
아카데미 영화제
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Assistant Director
1933년 파라마운트 영화들 (Dummy), 1933