앨런 크로슬랜드 (Alan Crosland)
Director Alan Crosland was birn in New York City on August 10, 1894, into an upper-middle class family, which soon moved to East Orange, NJ, where Alan was reared. His family‘s finances allowed for him to spend part of his elementary education in England, where he acquired a curious Anglo-American a...
본명 Frederic Alan Crosland
출생 8/10/1894 뉴욕, 미국
사망 7/16/1936 헐리우드, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (교통 사고)

불꽃의 노래 (The Song of the Flame), 1930
영광스러운 베시 (Glorious Betsy), 1928
재즈 싱어 (The Jazz Singer), 1927