에밀 제닝스 (Emil Jannings)
His real name was Theodor Friedrich Emil Janenz, and in the early 1900s, he was already working in the theater under Max Reinhardt‘s company. Important movies where he defined himself as a convincing actor were Madame DuBarry (1919) and Quo Vadis? (1924), followed by Der letzte Mann (1924)(aka The L...
본명 Theodor Friedrich Emil Janenz
출생 7/23/1884 장크트갈렌, 스위스
사망 1/2/1950 잘츠부르크, 오스트리아 (암)
아카데미 영화제
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최후의 명령 (The Last Command), 1928 - 돌고르키 장군/돌고루키 대공
모든 육체의 길 (The Way of All Flesh), 1927 - 오거스트 쉴링