테일러 키치 (Taylor Kitsch)
Best known for his portrayal of troubled high school football star "Tim Riggins" on NBC‘s acclaimed television series, Friday Night Lights (2006), actor Taylor Kitsch has scored big with audiences and critics on both the big and small screens.Taylor Kitsch was born on April 8, 1981 in Kelowna, Briti...
출생 4/8/1981 킬로나, 브리티시콜롬비아, 캐나다

21 브릿지: 테러 셧다운 (21 Bridges), 2019 - 레이
론 서바이버 (Lone Survivor), 2013 - 마이클 머피 대위
배틀쉽 (Battleship), 2012 - 알렉스 하퍼 중위
엑스맨 탄생: 울버린 (X-Men Origins: Wolverine), 2009 - 레미/갬빗