에단 서플리 (Ethan Suplee)
Ethan Suplee has established himself over the past few decades as an actor of considerable talent and accomplishment. His diverse and eclectic resume ranges from hilarious roles in such comedies as Mallrats (1995) and Without a Paddle (2004) to hauntingly dramatic performances in intense features su...
출생 5/25/1976 맨하탄, 뉴욕, 미국

헌트 (The Hunt), 2020 - 게리
딥워터 호라이즌 (Deepwater Horizon), 2017 - 제이슨 앤더슨
아메리칸 히스토리 X (American History X), 1998 - 세스 라이언
체이싱 아미 (Chasing Amy), 1997 -