슬림 피켄스 (Slim Pickens)
Slim Pickens spent the early part of his career as a real cowboy and the latter part playing cowboys, and he is best remembered for a single "cowboy" image: that of bomber pilot Maj. "King" Kong waving his cowboy hat rodeo-style as he rides a nuclear bomb onto its target in the great black comedy Dr...
본명 Louis Berton Lindley Jr.
출생 6/29/1919 킹스버그, 캘리포니아, 미국
사망 12/8/1983 모데스토, 캘리포니아, 미국 (뇌종양)

닥터 스트레인지러브 (Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb), 1964 - ‘킹‘ 콩 소령