톰 케니 (Tom Kenny)
Tom Kenny grew up in East Syracuse, New York. When Tom was young he was into comic books, drawing funny pictures and collecting records. Tom turned to stand-up comedy in Boston and San Francisco. This led to appearances on every cable show spawned by the stand-up epidemic of the ‘80s and ‘90s as wel...
본명 Thomas James Kenny
출생 7/13/1962 이스트 시라큐즈, 뉴욕, 미국

기예르모 델토로의 피노키오 (Guillermo del Toro‘s Pinocchio), 2022 - 선장 (목소리)
트랜스포머 3 (Transformers: Dark of the Moon), 2011 - 휠리 (목소리)
트랜스포머: 패자의 역습 (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen), 2009 - 휠리/스키즈 (목소리)
네모바지 스폰지밥 극장판 (The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie), 2004 - 스펀지밥/나레이터/게리/클레이/휴스턴 (목소리)