패트릭 갤러거 (Patrick Gallagher)
Patrick Gallagher was born in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada, and grew up in Chilliwack, BC. He is of Irish and Chinese descent. Gallagher graduated from the National Theatre School of Canada in 1993. He began his career in Toronto working in the theater, in film and on television. In 200...
본명 Patrick James Gallagher
출생 2/21/1968 뉴웨스트민스터, 콜롬비아, 캐나다

박물관이 살아있다: 비밀의 무덤 (Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb), 2014 - 아틸라
박물관이 살아있다! (Night at the Museum), 2006 - 훈족 아틸라