제임스 시게타 (James Shigeta)
Hawaiian-born James Shigeta was, for a time, the biggest East Asian U.S. star the country had known for decades. His up-and-down career reflected the country‘s changing interest in films with East Asian themes, but, when called upon, he filled both A-movie starring roles and minor T.V. guest appeara...
본명 James Saburo Shigeta
출생 6/17/1929 호놀룰루, 하와이, 미국
사망 7/28/2014 비벌리힐즈, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (폐 부전)

다이 하드 (Die Hard), 1988 - 조셉 요시노부 타카기