매기 큐 (Maggie Q)
Margaret Denise Quigley was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to a father of Polish and Irish descent (originally based in New York) and a Vietnamese mother. Her parents met during the Vietnam War. Maggie has two older half-siblings from her mother‘s previous marriage, and two older sisters. The family move...
본명 Margaret Denise Quigley
출생 5/22/1979 호놀룰루, 하와이, 미국

킬링 카인드: 킬러의 수제자 (The Protege), 2021 - 안나
데스 오브 미 (Death of Me), 2020 - 크리스틴
다이 하드 4.0 (Live Free or Die Hard), 2007 - 마이 린
미션 임파서블 3 (Mission: Impossible III), 2006 -