페드로 아르멘다리스 (Pedro Armendariz)
Born in Mexican revolution times, Pedro Armendariz was the first child of Mexican Pedro Armendariz Garcia-Conde and American Adele Hastings. He was raised in Churubusco, then a suburb of Mexico City, before the family traveled to Laredo, Texas. They lived there until 1921, the year Armendariz‘ paren...
본명 Pedro Gregorio Armendariz Hastings
출생 5/9/1912 멕시코시티, 멕시코
사망 6/18/1963 로스엔젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (자살 (총))

007 위기일발 (From Russia with Love), 1963 - 케림 베이