도널드 프레즌스 (Donald Pleasence)
Balding, quietly-spoken, of slight build and possessed of piercing blue eyes -- often peering out from behind round, steel-rimmed glasses -- Donald Pleasence had the necessary physical attributes which make a great screen villain. In the course of his lengthy career, he relished playing the obsessed...
출생 10/5/1919 워크솝, 노팅엄셔, 잉글랜드, 영국
사망 2/2/1995 생폴드방스, 알프마리팀, 프랑스 (심장수술 합병증)

007 두번 산다 (You Only Live Twice), 1967 - 블로펠드
대탈주 (The Great Escape), 1963 - 블리스