라울 트루히요 (Raoul Max Trujillo)
Raoul Max Trujillo, aka Raoul Maximiano Trujillo de Chauvelon, was born in Northern New Mexico. He is a mixed blood descendant of Mexican, Ute, Apache, Comanche, Pueblo, Tlascalan, French, Sephardic Jew and Andalusian Moor. After high school, he spent three years serving in the military in Germany. ...
출생 5/8/1955 산타페, 뉴멕시코, 미국

22 체이서: 분노의 질주 (22 Chaser), 2019 - 웨인
시카리오: 데이 오브 솔다도 (Sicario: Day of the Soldado), 2018 - 라파엘
시카리오: 암살자의 도시 (Sicario), 2015 - 라파엘