데이비드 헤디슨 (David Hedison)
Albert David Hedison Jr. was born in Providence, Rhode Island, the elder son of Albert and Rose Hedison, naturalized United States citizens from Armenia. His father owned a jewelry enameling business and his son was expected to follow in his footsteps. Young Al had other ideas, having put his sights...
본명 Albert David Hedison Jr.
출생 5/20/1927 로드아일랜드, 미국
사망 7/18/2019 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (원인불명)

007 살인면허 (Licence to Kill), 1989 - 펠릭스 라이터
007 죽느냐 사느냐 (Live and Let Die), 1973 - 펠릭스 라이터