제임스 코신스 (James Cossins)
The role which best epitomised James Cossins was the fussy, repressed Brown in Villain (1971). He began movie acting in the mid ‘60s and featured in such films as Richard Lester‘s How I Won the War (1967), Hammer‘s The Lost Continent (1968), the Jack Wild vehicle Melody (1971) and the aforementioned...
본명 James Charles Cossins
출생 12/4/1933 버킹햄, 켄트, 잉글랜드, 영국
사망 2/12/1997 알톤, 햄프셔, 영국 (심장병)

007 황금총을 가진 사나이 (The Man with the Golden Gun), 1974 - 콜소프