아트 라플러 (Art LaFleur)
Character actor Art LaFleur was born on September 9, 1943 in Gary, Indiana. LaFleur worked extensively in sales as well as in both the saloon and restaurant business prior to deciding at age 31 in 1975 to move from Chicago, Illinois to Los Angeles, California in order to pursue a career in film. Art...
출생 9/9/1943 게리, 인디아나, 미국
사망 11/17/2021 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (파킨슨병)

꿈의 구장 (Field of Dreams), 1989 - 1루수 칙 갠딜
우주생명체 블롭 (The Blob), 1988 - 페니 씨