조지 E. 스톤 (George E. Stone)
A minor prototype of the "Runyon-esque" character for more than three decades, Polish-born actor George E. Stone (ne Gerschon Lichtenstein, on May 18, 1903) was, in actuality, a close friend of writer Damon Runyan and would play scores of colorful "dees, dem and dos" cronies throughout the 1920s, ‘3...
본명 Gerschon Lichtenstein
출생 5/18/1903 우쯔, 폴란드
사망 5/26/1967 우드랜드, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아 (뇌졸중으로 인한 합병증)

라켓 (The Racket), 1928 - 조 스카시
제7의 천국 (7th Heaven), 1927 - 시궁창쥐