에드 로터 (Ed Lauter)
Edward Matthew Lauter II was born on October 30, 1938 in Long Beach, New York. In a film career that extended for over four decades, Lauter starred in a plethora of film and television productions since making his big screen debut in the western Dirty Little Billy (1972). He portrayed an eclectic ar...
본명 Edward Matthew Lauter II
출생 10/30/1938 롱비치, 롱아일랜드, 뉴욕, 미국
사망 10/16/2013 로스앤젤리스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (중피종)

내 인생의 마지막 변화구 (Trouble with the Curve), 2012 - 맥스