릴리안 쇼빈 (Lilyan Chauvin)
French-American character actress Lilyan Chauvin is one perhaps one of many actors or actresses that you know the face, but do not know the name. Chauvin is a long time veteran of the European stage, and is adept at playing strict, but sometimes loving characters. To horror fans, she might be best k...
본명 Lilyan Zemoz
출생 8/6/1925 파리, 일드프랑스, 프랑스
사망 6/26/2008 스튜디오시티, 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아 (유방암 및 심장병)

프레데터 2 (Predator 2), 1990 - 아이린 에드워즈