앤지 아담스 (Edie Adams)
The scintillating, sultry-eyed blonde (formerly a redhead) star of screen, TV and award-winning stage went on to become best known, however, for her sensual delivery pitching cigars in taunting ‘60s ads and commercials with her Mae Westian come-on line "Why don‘t you pick one up and smoke it sometim...
본명 Edith Elizabeth Enke
출생 4/16/1927 킹스톤, 펜실베이니아, 미국
사망 10/15/2008 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (폐렴)

적당한 이방인과 사랑을 (Love with the Proper Stranger), 1963 - 바비