하디 크루거 (Hardy Kruger)
At thirteen years, German-born and raised Hardy Kruger became a member of the "Hitler Jugend" (Hitler Youth), as did all 13-year-old boys in Germany then. The purpose of the organization was to prepare the boys for military service. At age 15, Hardy made his film debut in a German picture (Junge Adl...
본명 Franz Eberhard August Kruger
출생 4/12/1928 웨딩, 베를린, 독일

지옥의 특전대 (The Wild Geese), 1978 - 피에터 중위
머나먼 다리 (A Bridge Too Far), 1977 - 무장친위대 제10SS ‘프룬츠베르크‘ 기갑사단장 루드비히 SS중장