클락 미들턴 (Clark Middleton)
Clark Middleton has worked as an actor with film directors including Ang Lee, Henry Bean, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Richard Linklater and Frank Miller, among others. On television, he has been seen in Fringe, Jonny Zero, in a recurring role on Law and Order, and in CSI: Las Vegas. He also...
본명 Clark Tinsley Middleton
출생 4/13/1957 브리스톨, 테네시, 미국
사망 10/4/2020 로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아, 미국 (웨스트나일 바이러스)

설국열차 (Snowpiercer), 2013 - 화가
킬 빌 2 (Kill Bill: Vol. 2), 2004 - 어니