마이크 니콜스 (Mike Nichols)
감독, 제작자
He, along with the other members of the "Compass Players" including Elaine May, Paul Sills, Byrne Piven, Joyce Hiller Piven and Edward Asner helped start the famed "Second City Improv" company. They used the games taught to them by fellow cast mate, Paul Sills ‘s mother, Viola Spolin. He later worke...
본명 Michael Igor Peschkowsky
출생 11/6/1931 베를린, 독일
아카데미 영화제
수상: 1 / 후보: 5
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찰리 윌슨의 전쟁 (Charlie Wilson‘s War), 2007
클로저 (Closer), 2004
프라이머리 컬러스 (Primary Colors), 1998
버드 케이지 (The Birdcage), 1996
할리우드 스토리 (Postcards from the Edge), 1990
워킹걸 (Working Girl), 1988
실크우드 (Silkwood), 1983
돌고래의 나날 (The Day of the Dolphin), 1973
애정과 욕망 (Carnal Knowledge), 1971
졸업 (The Graduate), 1967
누가 버지니아 울프를 두려워하랴 (Who‘s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?), 1966

남아있는 나날 (The Remains of the Day), 1993