브라이언 드 팔마 (Brian De Palma)
Brian De Palma is the son of a surgeon. He studied physics but at the same time felt his dedication for the movies and made some short films. After seven independent productions he had his first success with Sisters (1973) and his voyeuristic style. Restlessly he worked on big projects with the scri...
본명 Brian Russell De Palma
출생 9/11/1940 뉴왁, 뉴저지, 미국

도미노 (Domino), 2019
블랙 달리아 (The Black Dahlia), 2006
미션 투 마스 (Mission to Mars), 2000
미션 임파서블 (Mission: Impossible), 1996
언터쳐블 (The Untouchables), 1987
캐리 (Carrie), 1976
강박관념 (Obsession), 1976
천국의 유령 (Phantom of the Paradise), 1974